You've got questions...
...We've got answers.
1.) Q. How do you breath in the Bubble?
A. The same way you are breathing right now, inhale, exhale....Now imagine doing the same in the Bubble. (You actually have more room in the bubble than you do in most cars.)
2.) Q. Will I float away?
A. Of course not. We are in the business to have fun, not kill people. All bubbles are anchored to the shoreline and supervised by Bubble professionals at all times.
3.) Q. Will a shark/alligator eat me?
A. Only if you look like a tuna or swamp critter. However, we do make you sign a waiver, in case you look like some other appetizing snack. (Jk)
4.) Q. If I am under 18, do I need my parents there?
A. Parents do not have to stay for the session, but they do need to show up to sign your waivers of approval to participate in the activity.
5.) Q. What is the minimum age required to Bubble?
A. We ask all Bubblers be at least 4 years old to Bubble. No diapers allowed. Please be aware, we cannot credit any remaining Bubbling time in the event the child does not want to continue a full Bubble session. There is no maximum age to Bubble :)
6.) Q. What should I wear?
A. We recommend wearing as little clothes as possible for the coolest experience. Bathing suit or workout clothes are perfect. It does tend to get a bit toasty if you are wearing too much. We also like something covering the legs/knees in case some sands happens to get in the bubble while you are entering. NO SHOES OF ANY KIND, JEWELRY, KEYS, HAIR CLIPS/PINS, OR ANYTHING SHARP OR POKEY. NO EXCEPTIONS.
7.) Q. Can I buy a bubble?
A. Absolutely. Please contact us for more information.
8.) Q. What happens if there is bad weather or I miss my appointment time?
A. Please reference our refund/reschedule policy by clicking HERE
9.) Q. How do I get in/out the Bubble?
A. Our Bubble Boys are there to assist you, giving a full run down of how it works before you enter the bubble. Check out these 2 videos below to see for yourself! If you like them, make sure to give us a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel!

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